Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why do police officers often talk in a loud and demanding voices when in on traffic stops or other calls? It makes them sound rude and full of themselves.
A: That’s the way police are trained. It is designed that way so that there is no doubt as to what an officer is instructing someone to do. Experience has shown that when officers are not clearly understood, terrible tragedies can occur.
Q: How can police officers break traffic laws themselves when they are supposed to enforce them?
A: State law exempts officers from basic traffic laws when in pursuit of an actual or suspected violator. The officer must still exercise due caution toward public safety. An officer might also be arriving near a crime in progress and not want to alert a criminal that he or she is near.
Q: I am thinking about applying for gun carry permit. What should I do if I am stopped by an officer while carrying a handgun?
A: If you are driving a car and get stopped while carrying, keep your hands on the steering wheel and inform the officer that you have a gun permit and that you are armed. The officer will instruct you at that point. Do not is reach for your wallet to get your permit and driver license, as the officer may believe that you are attempting to draw the gun. (If you are on foot, the same applies. Inform the officer and wait for instructions.)
Q: I have heard of police searching a home without a search warrant. Is this legal?
A: Yes, entries without a warrant are done under certain conditions. Generally, a warrant is required, but some of the exceptions are a crime in progress, a life in immediate danger, or some other exigent circumstances.
Q: What is meant by the term “probable cause”?
A: “Probable cause” (PC) is another way of saying “reasonable grounds to believe”. An officer with PC to believe a crime has been committed can make an arrest for serious crimes. Less serious crimes where an officer has PC will result in a citation/summons.
Q: I felt it was better to have my teenage daughter and her friends drink at my home where I could supervise them. Isn’t that better than if they drink and drive?
A: The answer to that is both yes and no. Of course we don’t want our teens drinking and driving, but allowing them to consume alcohol at your home is not a good solution. First, only their legal guardian can allow them to use alcohol in their own home. Second, by allowing an illegal activity, you are giving them permission to break the law. You could be charged with at least two crimes, one of furnishing liquor to a minor and the other of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
Q: I don’t know much about meth. Is this just another recreational drug that people are making a big deal about?
A: Definitely not. Methamphetamine, known as meth, ice, crystal and many other nicknames, is one of, if not the worst, of all abused drugs. It causes a lot of harm to both the body and the mind and is extremely addictive. Many people are addicted after a single use. Continued use causes paranoia and other emotional and mental problems.
Q: If meth is that bad, can anyone stop using it?
A: Yes, there are a number of success stories. Unfortunately, most meth users don’t want to quit and won’t do so until they have hit rock bottom, usually having been repeatedly arrested or seen their friends die as a direct result of meth. Even then, the pull of the drug is very strong and many users see much tragedy and still continue using.